Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Home is where the military sends you"

Well, it is official. We are not staying at Motel Vegas anymore. We have moved everything into the Mac Shack Jr. (and when I say Jr., that means number two and smaller at the same time!). The movers came to unload everything last Friday and we have been trying to unpack ever since. As you can see, there is still a lot of work to be done! And Charley is doing his best to help us!

Charley is also pretty excited to have his litter box back again...evidently he missed it! I think he is adjusting pretty well, but little does he know he is about to move again in a few more weeks.

So, other than unpacking, I have been working at Wal-Mart and trying to separate my stuff from all of Alicia's. Then it is all going in a storage unit for the movers to pick up in July. So, I will be going through all of this again in August. It has been a good experience because now I know what to expect when I start my career with the Army. I think a sign that Alicia got for my new apartment when I move in states it perfectly..."Home is where the military sends you!"

1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys are getting "settled". Charley looks like he is making himself at home. :)
